
Sharing a story today

I had a friend who was asked by her mother to hide in a friend's place so they could tell her father that she was kidnapped and ask for money.

My friend was too scared of her mother when she is mad because she becomes violent, so my friend just said yes and did what she was told even when she did not want to, hoping it would just turn out like nothing happened.

After a few days, the lie was discovered, and the FBI came to her friend's house including her mother and they were escorted to the police headquarters for an interview.

During the interview, my friend said the truth but was treated like a liar because her mother said it was all her idea to get attention from her father. The mother lied in front of her daughter so she would not be sent to jail.

The only thing that saved her sanity that day came from a lady fbi who asked her and told my friend secretly before they were asked to go home that she knows it was not really her idea but her mother's..

But still, my friend was too hurt and betrayed, she lost the feeling of attachment to her mother from then on..

too sad of a story after not posting for a while? am I being a downer? well, life has it's ups and downs, it would be so unreal if everything we post only those that are happy. so expect some sad posts on this blog too as i have said on my blog profile, this blog is about my lifestyle so I will post almost anything about my life. bow.