
Kyocera Dome Experience

So I went to the final day of Arashi's 3 days LOVE concert at Kyocera Dome yesterday, and by went, I just meant went, as in just went, and that does not include being at the concert. Haha. As some you may know, Arashi's concert tickets are called "platinum tickets" here in Japan, and it is reaaalllyyy so hard to get them even if you're a fan club member and obviously, we didn't got a ticket. 

So yes, I went there yesterday from 10am (the concert starts at 4pm). I just strolled the area and felt the Arashi wind. LOL. I thought about buying concert goods, but nah, that is a waste of money. I was surprised I set my priorities straight even if I'm obsessed fangirl-ing. :p

It was my first time going to a Johnny's concert, I knew it would be crowded, but I never thought it would look like Halloween! I think most high school students went there in their costumes! Hahaha. it was really funny yet enjoying. :)

I just listened to the sound leak from one of the entrance when it started, along with some people... Some closing their eyes, some tapping their feet to the rhythm, some just looking straight to the door, and some chit-chatting with their friends like it was a background music at a cafe. As for me, I was tapping my fingers inside my pocket, then I almost smiled when I heard Sho-chan's voice screaming "ue no ho~~~!!". Hahahaha! 
I was already getting really tired since it was my 2nd (girl's) day and I have no more pain reliever brought with me, so after about 30 minutes, I stopped by at Aeon that was just right next to Kyocera dome, where I also ate lunch btw, shopped for some winter clothes for me and the daughter, then went home. 

Over all, it was actually a feeling of mixed emotions. It made me a bit sad that I couldn't get to go inside and see Sho when he was just there inside! Hehehe.


Rice Quiche

I wanted to have this kind of square plate since I saw my friend's, and I just bought one on the internet last week. It just arrived the other day, and was thinking how I should use it for the first time.. I though about making dessert, savoury pie, etc., and I ended up making a rice quiche for the main reason that all the ingredients are already inside my fridge, AND it is easier. Hehe!

So here's how you make it. :)

Mix left over rice with butter and salt then spread it thinly to the dish like this. I am planning to add pepper and garlic powder next time, so you can also try it too. 

Sautee all the ingredients that you want in butter and salt then add milk and broth in pan. I used shrimp, shimeji mushrooms, tomatoes, broccoli, and onion this time, but you can put any ingredient that you like. Just put some greens and/or reds for a nice visual. Haha 

Beat eggs in bowl and mix in the sautéed mixture from the pan.

Pour in the mixture into the rice, preheat oven in 200℃ and bake for 40 minutes, put on grill setting and grill for 10-15 minutes.

Ta-dah! :)))

Notice I did not put any detailed ingredient measurements since I realise I usually do not follow most of them especially when it is an easy recipe like this, and the measurements depends on the container you are using but I've put the oven temperature for reference as this is where I always have a hard time. ;p