

My very lovely and beautiful daughter might have delayed language disorder (DLD), or worse, autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

I was ready for my daughter to have delayed speech, since I've read a lot of articles stating that bilingual kids (and an only child) often have delayed speech. But after my research, I am concluding that it is not just a normal delay in speech, and it might be DLD.

My daughter is sweet, she loves to play, and laughs a lot. She is also very friendly and sociable even to adults she doesn't know well, and giggles and enjoys every time she sees kids, be it on tv or in person. What worries me is that she has a very short attention span (easily gets distracted), she doesn't understand things that I ask her, like please get the bottle over there, though she understands when i say - no, come here, open/close the door, clap, dance, etc., (more on one to two words). She doesn't look at our eyes when she's not interested, she still is not talking, and she stacks up cups and line up (only similar) toys as play.

So after my research, I have realized that these symptoms could also be ASD (maybe pdd-nos, a more mild and high functioning autism disorder), though it is still too early to tell.

I have read that many kids with mild ASD could revert/outgrow it with therapy and a lot of people with ASD are not diagnosed and only knew that they have it when they became adults... yet I can't help but feel guilty about my daughter. Maybe I wasn't really a very good mother. Preparing everything that she needs within her reach wasn't a good thing. And giving her what she needs before she cries wasn't a good thing. Letting her watch the tv all day wasn't a good thing.
How could I not thought about it? It does not stimulate her at all!

Now we will start "mommy therapy" since her pedia said we should observe her first. Hopefully she wouldn't be needing any real therapies when the time comes.

Crossing my fingers..



I've been a bit lazy lately to post what I wore because I already find summer outfits boring, but now that it is the start of autumn, I might post what I wore more! While I am excited about it that is. Hehe.

So here's what I wore today:

My style for autumn this year is probably more on knee high socks and this camel wedge booties that I fell in love with. I'm also eyeing on culottes, pleated skirts, chunky/loose knits, anything mustard yellow and burnt orange. :)


My daily makeup

You see here in Japan, putting on makeup to work is manners. Being presentable is very important and leaving the house without makeup is considered lack of common sense. Seriously, you wouldn't see any Japanese peeps on the streets without their makeup on specially in the middle of the city! (some might cover their faces with sunglasses when buying something just from the convenience store in the neighborhood. lol) Well, I wouldn't want to be seen with my blemishes and uneven skin tones anyway, but being the lazy me, I don't wanna take too much time on putting on my makeup to work so I try to get it done in about 15 minutes.

Here's my daily makeup routine/technique

1. Dab a liquid foundation below your eyes and blend to cover eyebags.
-I am not really a fan of concealers so I use liquid foundation since you could also use them on your entire face without looking very made up. I recommend using a shade lighter than your skin tone if you are an acidic like me.

2. Put on powder foundation on entire face.
-Make sure to pat your t-zone properly so you do not need to retouch often.

3. Use a lighter color of blush on cheek bones, and darker in the apples of your cheek then blend them.
- I have a thing for blushes. They are my favorite piece of makeup. It could instantly change your look depending on the color.
Never put blushes lower than the apples/cheek bones since it will make your face looking old and saggy.

4. Put a light brown shade of powder on the side of your nose.
- It makes the illusion of a tall nose
And also just below the cheek bones then blend.
- This would make your face look a bit smaller/thinner

5. Put a white/pearl colored powder below your eyes, middle part of forehead, tip of nose, chin and below the arch of eyebrows.
-- Never skip contour and highlights. It sets the difference.

6. Put a cream/taupe shade of glitter eyeshadow on eyelids and mascara on lashes.
- I prefer using glitter eyeshadows for light makeup to add up a bit of fun.

7. Put your favorite lipgloss.

And I'm done.
Did it sounded too much of a hard work? It may sound like that written here, but it isn't really!
As for the makeup brands, my favorites are Lancome and Stila and some other cheap drugstore brands here in Japan like Canmake, so use any brands of makeup. People have different kinds of skin and what worked on me wouldn't mean it would work on others, so just have fun on searching for the right make up for you.

I might (just might, if I feel like it) post my top favorite makeups soon. ;)



I was in a state of confusion and anxiety for a while (or maybe I still am).

One way or another, I'm sure all of you have been in my shoe and could very well relate...
Have I chosen the right paths in my life?
Not that I am regretting any decisions I've made, but I'm starting to wonder if I have decided for the better.

An incident just recently made me think If I should go and carry on living together with my whole family.
-The answer I gave myself is obviously yes. Nothing is impossible especially if it is for my daughter. So help me God.

I have been thinking if I should still work at my current job or just switch to a job that is less socio-stressful (yep I made up that word. lol) and something that could add up skills that I could use in the future.
-I still can't make up my mind on this one. It is fun to dress up in the latest trends. The perks of working as a fashion adviser, but I think I want to start becoming a florist.
Either way, looking for a new job is very stressful I cannot take it as of the moment!

We just bought a new home in the Philippines and I am not sure if It was the right timing.
-It has been one dream on top of my list to have a home in the Philippines but I wanted a bigger house. We opted for a small home so it wouldn't be that hard on the budget but it would still be a tight rope on our wallets, paying for a house in the Phils. while paying for all our expenses living here in Japan.
After much contemplation, the answer I gave myself is, If not now, then when? So my plan now is after finishing the payments for the new condo in the middle of the Metro, we will just buy a new larger house somewhere near any province. The condo would be for the daughter in the near future and we will live in the house when we grow old. Haha.

Another question is, when to go and stay in the Philippines for good?
-This thought been a never-ending loop. I am almost 100% sure I'd make more money working in the Philippines than working here, not to mention the friends that I miss, but there are still a lot of things to keep in mind. As of now, the "correct" answer is 2014 though I wanna fly as soon as today. This is prior to changes (of seasons and climates).

Sigh to growing up. I miss the times when the hardest problem you have was your assignment/project in school, how to make your crush see you, or what to wear to the weekend night out with friends. :P